Tuesday, 25 July 2017

daoist yangsheng and new e.publication to be...

for record, as for future effort, i hit upon the idea of launching another e.publication (hopefully in mid-october),  between 4 and 5 pm today (25 july 2017), during my acupuncture treatment by dr Zhuo about my heart condition and kneel problem.

homework to be done includes choosing/deciding upon::
1/ a name, which should be indicative of something about wholistic health care, physical and psychological wellbeing, yangsheng (wellness and longevity), etc;
2/ a language, which might be english and/or chinese, open to any linguistic input;
3/ an e.format, which might be blog-based, or specifically domained - the problem is: google services are unavailable in china, while sina or any other popular chinese counterpart is little known or accessed in the english speaking world;
4/ website design;
5/ content/space allotments;

Daoism, one of the two (aboriginally developed) most ancient and most influential chinese philosophical traditions (the other is Confucianism), is actually the only major 'religion' focused exclusively on the attainment of wellbeing and longevity in the human world; such being the case, i see no reason why it should not become a particularly important resource for us contemporaries to draw upon in our effort to live a healthy and long life.

not surprisingly, almost every highly accomplished traditional chinese medical doctor has made more or less use of Daoist approaches to the achievement and maintenance of good health, as well as to the treatments of many different kinds of diseases, physical or psychological.

pasted below is my trial translation of dr Zhuo's brochure for his club (19 june 2017) ::

同年平人说】天人相应,中正平和,动静相宜,形与神俱,脏藏腑传 ,经络通畅,骨正筋柔,气血旺盛 。 

Tongnian on the Normal Person: A normal person lives a straight and peaceful life in harmony with nature, maintains an equilibrium between activity and inactivity, between body and spirit, and has well-functioning internal organs, unblocked meridians, good bones and flexible tendons/ligaments in addition to robust qi and blood.


Tongnian on the Ways to Yangsheng: Yangsheng (wellbeing and longevity) can be attained by way of removing pollutants to purify internal systems, clearing meridians to fulfill them with energy, cleaning up the innermost reality to become self-insightful through Daoist meditation, stopping leakages to cultivate vitality, and igniting the holy flame to obtain a new life.


Tongnian on Yangsheng Nirvana: Yangsheng is a process of a normal person growing into an accomplished one, an experience of a raw body transformed into a refined one, an awareness of low dimensions elevated to high ones, an integration of the primordial will into the spiritual being, an insight gained from the yin-yang principle and corresponding well with divination, an attainment of soma-spirit and human-nature harmonies, a synthesis of transcendental high frequencies and enjoyments in the moment, a paragon of peaceful pleasure and spontaneous flow of authentic selfhood, as well as a home to health cultivation and miraculous manifestation.

Monday, 10 July 2017

july updates: changming's lit endeavors

1. on the evening of july 8, my chinese poet friend dr Zhang Zhi, chief editor of World Poets Quarterly (http://theworldpoetsquarterly.blogspot.ca/), contacted me about his intention to base his magazine in a foreign country like canada rather than in his home city chongqing at the strong suggestion made by his readers/contributors/associates. accordingly, he offered to give me the title of 'president' of WPQ. functioning as such only in name, i have no obligations or responsibilities except that i can recommend poems to the magazine on a regular basis or contribute some time as an editor at large. no matter what, this is an unexpected honor, which allows me to have a closer and more formal connection with the multilingual magazine, which is perhaps the world's most widely circulated poetry magazine in print.

2. i got 9 poetry acceptances in may, and 12 in june. really disappointed and frustrating is the fact that sometimes a 'well-established' magazine accepts my poetry but stops operation just when it is scheduled to publish my work. this time is chile-based Southern Pacific Review. last time was scotland-based Glasgow Review. similar cases are those in which my accepted poetry never appears because the magazine changes its editor, who chooses to ignore my work just when the magazine is supposed to publish it.

3. though i cannot write now as much poetry as well as i used to, i am still fortunately able to do some writing from time to time; that means, my Muse has never deserted me yet. as long as life goes on, i hope and even believe there are times when i can write poetry up to my own standard at least. the problem is, i cannot find good enough poetry to read!

4. at the request of dr Zhuo Tongnian, one of the world's most renowned chinese traditional medical doctors alive today, i translated some promotional material for his elite club 'Optimum Health Yangsheng' (http://yang-sheng.com/ ), the original chinese text is extremely challenging, so i have to explore my skills to the fullest extent. i do know if it's satisfactory enough. because of my deteriorating health and my idiosyncracies, i usually refrain from doing any translation work although my thesis supervisor at tianjin normal university highly recommended me as a really good chinese-english translator even 35 years ago. in recent week, i suffered from frequent chest discomfort and chest pain in addition to eye and kneel problems, but dr Zhuo's herbal medecine has been wonderfully effective: right after taking his medicine, i felt no more chest pain.

5. conditioned by my physiological and psychological constitutions, i will concentrate on poetry writing only for the rest of my life. in other words, i have finally given up all my plans and intentions for other kinds of writing.