1/ got 12 acceptances last december, 14 in january, and as many as 23 in feburary, including one by Mystic Living Today (https://mysticlivingtoday.com/), which has been publishing my work every first day of every month since sometime in 2017;
2/ stopped operating my chinese blogsite both at http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2682748050 and at http://yuancm.blogspot.com/2014/03/35.html, simply because the readership has been really too discouraging: it's not worth my eye pain to maintain the sites just for a greatly embarrassing number of readers/visitors. i will focus on my chinese blog at http://blog.creaders.net/u/7464/ only, where i have hundreds of readers at least for almost every posting;
3/ as i was going through my acceptance record yesterday, i found up to 42 'dead', as a result of the fact that despite my repeated polite queries, the editors either remain silent for lack of minimal professionalism or literary decency, or tell me bluntly they have changed their editorship or stopped operation;
4/ given all my quite rich reading (and editing/publishing) experiences in both chinese and english, i have realised more and more clearly that i no longer understand, nor can i thus tell what contemporary readers are really interested in; i find it particularly puzzling: the kind of content most common readers enjoy exposing themselves to nowadays is low, dull, shallow, meaningless and grotesquely cliche to me. in other words, possibly because i am getting old, i may have lost touch completely with the living readership today...
5/ for the past few weeks, i have been editing chinese content for the create abundance group (创造丰盛集团), now known as the midas touch (点石成金), but for nothing: they offered me the opportunity to publish several books (in chinese only) for them, but now they have delayed the project or, more precisely, put it on hiatus until further notice.
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