Friday, 3 November 2017

nov. updates: changming's lit endeavors

1. yesterday, i received my author's copy of the Best of the Best Canadian Poetry in English: Tenth Anniversary Edition. this is a quite relief since from time to time my work is accepted and scheduled to appear in print or online, but eventually never published. such incidents are particularly frustrating and even insulting esp, when the publication is supposed to be a well recognised one. in most cases, they do not even bother to respond to my queries. in other words, there are editors and publishers who are far less 'professional' than they should be, although they are perfect human beings. here is the link to the news::

2. today, my (7th) little chapbook Dark Phantasms is released by Flutter Press - thanks again, Sandy, for the great job you have done for my work as my editor/publisher. Originally, there are 30 dark/horror poems of mine included in the collection, but later cut down to 20 as requested to materialised the project. here are the links::, .

3. since i founded my website Happy Yangsheng at about two weeks ago, i have received more attention than i anticipated. knowing my writing is never popular, i thought i would have few readers/viewers for any literary work i do. in this site, my postings can be divided into two basic kinds: one about my thoughts and findings in my quest for holistic health; the other about recipes/therapies/knowledge/experience concerning yangsheng the Way towards wellness, happiness and longevity. i am still hesitating about whether to create another blogsite to support it. for lack of technical help and computer time, i do not know what kind of site to create and how.

4. i got 20 acceptances in september, and 18 in october.

5. to celebrate the first anniversary of, and show my love for my first grandchild (and my only one thus far), i had a group of poems titled Childhood Poetry: for Kate Emily Yuan and All Other Children published on two days ago as a dedication to her (just as in the case of my chapbook Dark Phantasms). here is the link::