Thursday, 1 March 2018

march updates: yuan's lit endeavors

1. invited by the organiser, i will attend a poetry reading event known as 'strangers on a train' at a coffee house on cambie street on the evening of march 20, but have not decide which poems to read

2. one of my own favorite poems 'on a friday eve' was recently published in The Wire's Dream, which also had an interview with my at;

3. today i got an email message from the editor of Parentheses Journal, informing me that they had just nominated my poem 'we/them' for inclusion in the 3rd vol of bettering american poetry anthology ( - this is the first i am nominated for this though i have ever heard of such anthology before;

4. got 17 poetry acceptances last month (in february) by mostly new magazines, those with a longer history including pure slush, south florida poetry journal, olentany review - as i hate to pay for my poetry to be read, i submit only onlline to those which require no reading fee;

5. i have been reading Yuval Noah Harari's brief history of mankind, and brief history of tomorrow, two of the greatest books i have ever come across. hope to write some of the knowledge and insights into my poetry in the near future,  but i will try to  'digest' and see...