2/. On nov 20, Pink Plastic House, a new us-based online magazine informed me that they had nominated my poem 'features: for helen hengxiang liao' for the 2021 pushcart prize https://kristingarth.com/pink-plastic-house-a-tiny-journal/the-haunted-dollhouse/haunted-dollhouse-season-2/features-by-yuan-changming/. this is my 12th time nomination for the honor;
3/ On 20 december, Malahat Review, one of the most prestigous literary magazine based in canada, told me that they had nominated 3 of my 'bilinguacultural poems' for cananda's 45th national magazine awards (poetry category). the three pieces were originally published in issue 216 of the magazine, which recently published an interview with me on its website (link: http://www.malahatreview.ca/interviews/yuan_interview.html)
4/. beginning from today, i will start to retreat from all outreaching activities for a period of time. by way of this self-imposed 'hiatus' or confinement, i can concentrate better on some of my most private pursuits. this self-confinement has been long-overdue.. now is high time, since i have published all the important writings thus far (in case i should fail to survive the pandemic). here are the links::
- LIMERENCE (Vanncouver: Poetry Pacific, 2021). https://www.amazon.com/Limerence-yuan-changming/dp/B0991CGXLJ
- (R)e.volution (LA: Wapshott, 2021). https://www.amazon.com/R-volution-Poetrylandia-6-ebook/dp/B08XQ5RRSS
- 《袁昌明詩選》(Selected Poems of Yuan Changming) (温哥华太平洋诗歌出版社,2021年)。 https://www.amazon.com/%E8%A2%81%E6%98%8C%E6%98%8E%E8%A9%A9%E9%81%B8-Traditional-Chinese-%E8%A2%81-%E6%98%8C%E6%98%8E-ebook/dp/B092TRSGXM
- 《憂 華 集》(My Chinese Concerns) (温哥华太平洋诗歌出版社,2021年). https://www.amazon.ca/%E6%86%82%E8%8F%AF%E9%9B%86-Traditional-Chinese-%E8%A2%81-%E6%98%8C%E6%98%8E-ebook/dp/B09348KQG5
- 《致初恋:一个知青的海外生涯》(Letters to My First Love)(温哥华太平洋诗歌出版社,2021年)