Thursday 17 October 2013

PP's Pushcart Nomination Process

today we have just received the confirmation call from Pushcart Prize office that though a canadian-based online magazine, we at Poetry Pacific are eligible to make annual Pushcart nominations - this is really encouraging, since we have one more powerful way to promote the poets and poetic works featured on our Site.

tomorrow we will announce our nominees both here and at our facebook, before sending out all the six poems to the office in new york, which we have decided upon for the prestigious prize.

this is the way how we nominate the six poems in principle:
four of them will be exclusively determined by the number of pageviews they have ever received since their postings in the past publication year (from november 2012 to october 2013); in other words, they are actually nominated by our readers as they have had most pageviews. the remaining two will be chosen by PP editors in terms of their editorial preferences and the number of pageveiws each has received.

apparently, the first rule is based on the principle of democracy, while the second one is a bit more subjective and 'political.' we believe this nominating process or method is most appropriate for PP, at least for now.

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