Wednesday, 1 July 2020

changming: lit endeavours- 1july 2020

1. got 13 acceptances in may and 14 in june, including such as another chicago review, so it goes, tagv verk and orisis. as of today, i have had poetry accepted and/or published in 1,712 online and print magazines across 45 countries, exclulding at least two dozen magazines which accepted my work but never published it for one or no/another reason. one online magazine known as mystic living today has been publishing a themed group of my poems each month for the past few years.

2. wrote 16 poems in english in may, and 15 in june. more noteworthy, drafted about two dozen poems in chinese in late may, but i know it's almost impossible for me to get any of them published in chinese literary journals, esp. in mainland china. all my life, the poems I have written orignally in my monther tongue are hardly appealing to any chinese editors, though i have had quite a few published in well-established chinese literary magazines based in hongkong, macao, taiwan and singapore. a fact i never really understand.

3. this is the first year i have switched Poetry Pacific from a biannual into an annual publication. despite my worsening health condition, i will try to run the e.journal on a continuing basis rather than put it on hiatus from time to time. noticeably, after it was released on may 5 as scheduled, our e.zine had 4,164 pageviews on may 17, a record-breaking number for a single day; and 14,507 pageviews in the month of may, almost tripling the monthly average, ranking the second most ever since its inception.

4. early in june, as a quasi-religious organization, 'create abundance,' now known as 'golden touch,' contacted me again about their supposedly planned book series, but it turns out it's just another one of their cunning efforts to lure me into volunteering for thier organization (as a friend has told me later). on june 24, both ctv and cbc reporters approached me unexpectedly about my translation and publication of zhang xingyue's book create abundance (in 2015). at first, i wrongly thought they were interested in what i did with the book, but eventurally i found their interviews were concerned about a police case. the next day, a reporter from south china morning post also called me, but i was reluctant to talk about the matter. in an email to cbc, i answered their questions as objectively as i could, though i have my own opinions about the organization. (simply put, i still think and believe what they are preaching is helpful to people -- 'self change and spiritual growth for a better life in reality'; that's why i was interested to do the translation work and publish the book for them in the first place, but from my past experience with them, the way they promote the ideas is something i would never endorse, much less their personal qualities and behaviours. that's why i never intend to join them.) anyway, this has been a very unusual and quite interesting episode in life.

for record:

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