Monday 4 October 2021

yuan's lit endeavors - oct 3

1/. got 14 acceptances in july, 14 in august, and 17 in september, among which 30 were offered by new magazines for the first time, including New World Writing and Malahat Review; 

2/. On July 2nd, a small American press informed me that they would postpone the publication of my collection  "Straddling Stanzas" until next year. The book included more than 30 what i have invented and called 'Bilinguacultural Poetry', which seems to have been quite well recognized by editors in Britain, America, Canada and Australia. I hope time will prove that this is one of my most important literary contributions.

3/ On July 10, Pacific Poetry Press published my first love poem collection LIMERENCE both in paperback and as a kindle  this is my tenth and the latest published English poetry collection, which contains 47 original love poems written in the past year or so; upon publication, about half of the poems had already appeared online or in paper magazines. In fact, this book is intended as a token I had prepared for my soulmatethe in case i could not survive the pandemic. links: (electronic version) https://www (paper back)

4/. On July 31st,  Pacific Poetry Press put out the fifth book I have published this year, which is also my last (autobiographical) Chinese work Last Letters to My First Loves. This book is a memoir based on my personal experience as a village boy who grew to be a supposedly well educated person and became a first generation immigrant in canada. The main content of the first half was posted in my chinese blogsite with eight years ago, under the general title of "Love Letters from Vancouver." but for a happy coincidence, the second half would never have been written to begin with. as in the situation of LIMERENCE. this book was published ahead of plan in case i could not survive the new crown plague. Connection:

5/. On September 22nd, i published On the Corner of Walk and Don't Walk, a collection of English poems by Mr. Duane Anderson, both as an and in paperback (kindle edition). links:; electronic version:

6/. On September 24, a small California-based press accepted my chapbook "All My Crows" for publication sometime next year, which includes 30 lyrical poems about crows. . The book was actually accepted by another small press as early as 7 or 8 years ago, but only to be later dismissed because the press suddenly stopped operation. at least half of these poems have been published in relatively well-established magazines. i am aware that things might change before a book actually appears, but the fact that it has been accepted twice is comforting enough to me. 

7/. On September 26, i published 胡說八道〉(Eight Lectures) by dr 胡子 (Hu Zi, pen name) as an  in kindle edition in traditional chinese. The book includes hundreds of mini essays writing in a humorous style about the cultivation of body, mind, and spirit. Because there are illustrations and tables in the book, the editing and typesetting process was repeated more than 10 times. it took a lot of work, but the result was not satisfactory! link:

8/. In recent months, I have written another ten love poems. In fact, since the beginning of the epidemic, I have been unable to return to my native country to meet my long lost first love. the only way to be together with her is to articulate my innermost feelings towards her. So far, I have written 48 English poems for her, and 5 to 6 original Chinese poems, of which 35 have been accepted or published. If my greatest creative achievement last year was to write and publish dozens of "bilinguacultural poems" in English, this year it is to have written and published dozens of love poems in English (all for one person).

9/. for more than half a year already, i have been hesitating a lot. though there are still many topics to write about, i decided, after waking up at two o’clock this morning, to discontinue my chinese blog series titled "Chinese Concerns'《忧华集》; instead, i plan to start examining my life and write about my thinkings over human life. more specifically, i will write about what i have realized about happiness, love, family, and other l most essential aspects of human life. at my age, it is high time to do such a thing to hopefully add some 'value' to my life as a human being through platonic exmination. 

Authors interested in publishing books in either English or Chinese are welcome to contact me at any time. Phone: 778/371-0952; Email:

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